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This is an overview of all chapters, both those already written (in blue) and those waiting for someone to take up the challenge (in red).
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Chapter 1: A Stranger in the WoodsFaramir says: "No, I think Damrod's right. Get twenty men together tomorrow and bring him in."
 │ ├The man is Imrahil, whom Faramir has not met since childhood.
 │ │ ├Finduilas is not your mother
 │ │ │ ├Donagen is coming for Faramir. He wants his son.
 │ │ │ └Donagen is going to Minas Tirith to tell Lord Denethor the 'truth' about Faramir. 
 │ │ └Denethor is not your father
 │ │   ├Faramir is outraged and punishes Imrahil
 │ │   │ ├Faramir takes Imrahil to Denethor
 │ │   │ └Faramir arranges Imrahil's 'escape'
 │ │   │   ├Imrahil escapes and Faramir must pretend to try and recapture him
 │ │   │   └Imrahil is caught trying to escape and Faramir has no choice but to escort him to Denethor
 │ │   └Faramir is confused from his headwound, and let's Imrahil hold him, touch him.....etc. ;)
 │ └The man is a stranger, yet oddly familiar to Faramir.   
 │   ├Faramir agrees and has the man brought into his chambers
 │   │ ├The prophesy is that Faramir will handfast/wed/marry Thorongil/Aragorn
 │   │ │ ├Thorongil tells Faramir of the prophecy
 │   │ │ └They continue on to Lorien
 │   │ │   ├It is Elrond’s voice. He will examine Faramir assisted by younger elves of your choice
 │   │ │   │ ├The person is either Galadriel or Arwen
 │   │ │   │ │ ├Faramir is saved just in time and Aragorn is one of the rescuers ... and after that cuddly h/c scenes happen:)
 │   │ │   │ │ │ ├The bad news is that Arwen has disappeared
 │   │ │   │ │ │ └The worse news is that Denethor will reach Lórien in time for the wedding
 │   │ │   │ │ │   ├Yes Faramir will wed Aragorn
 │   │ │   │ │ │   │ ├Morning: Denethor arrives with Boromir
 │   │ │   │ │ │   │ └Morning: Denethor arrives with Ancir
 │   │ │   │ │ │   └Faramir no longer wants to wed Aragorn
 │   │ │   │ │ │     ├Elrond tells Aragorn to seduce Faramir
 │   │ │   │ │ │     │ ├Their first date is a trip to the blacksmiths
 │   │ │   │ │ │     │ │ ├Not wanting to get drunk Faramir returns to his talan 
 │   │ │   │ │ │     │ │ │ ├We follow Faramir and Ancir's men to their hideout
 │   │ │   │ │ │     │ │ │ └Back in Lorien, Aragorn seeks out Faramir who is nowhere to be found.
 │   │ │   │ │ │     │ │ │  ├Elrond and Haldir accompany Aragorn to Gondor
 │   │ │   │ │ │     │ │ │  └Arwen reappears suddenly
 │   │ │   │ │ │     │ │ └Faramir decides to have another drink or two 
 │   │ │   │ │ │     │ └Faramir turns him down and Aragorn has to think of something else
 │   │ │   │ │ │     └Elrond tells Aragorn something else, your choice.
 │   │ │   │ │ └Faramir is not saved in time 
 │   │ │   │ │   ├Something interrupts them.
 │   │ │   │ │   └The seduction continues and Faramir is de-virginized. ;)
 │   │ │   │ │     ├They make it back to the talan undiscovered, leaving Faramir alone. Later, he will have to deal with the fact that he is no longer a virgin.
 │   │ │   │ │     └The Elves are discovered with their burden.
 │   │ │   │ └The person is someone else of your choice - perhaps Mithrandir or Thorongil?
 │   │ │   └It is Celeborn. He will examine him but others will watch (perhaps Galadriel.. or Gandalf...)
 │   │ │     ├Celeborn and Galadriel leave Faramir alone to think about what he wants to do. 
 │   │ │     └Galadriel offers to show Faramir a glimpse of the future in her mirror. 
 │   │ └The prophesy is that Faramir will do something else for Thorongil/Aragorn
 │   │   ├Thorongil rescues Faramir despite his injury
 │   │   │ ├It is one of the twins
 │   │   │ │ ├Faramir is not poisoned, merely tired
 │   │   │ │ └Faramir is indeed poisoned and therefore has a fever  
 │   │   │ │   ├The twins return with Mithrandir
 │   │   │ │   └Aragorn returns with Saruman. 
 │   │   │ └It is Boromir who clearly knows Aragorn from earlier (and has obviously not recognised Faramir yet)
 │   │   └Thorongil being injured can’t help Faramir
 │   │     ├Celeborn agrees to help Aragorn
 │   │     └Celeborn send Aragorn on his way
 │   └Faramir refuses and tells the stranger to speak in front of his menFaramir says: "Excellent idea, Mablung. I'll head the mission myself!"Faramir has no choice but to call off his men before they are killed. He is captured by the attacker
   │ ├It's an Elf!
   │ │ ├The elf is Legolas
   │ │ │ ├Thranduil has arranged this
   │ │ │ │ ├Let stick around the King’s halls to observe the wacky goings on of the Thranduilions.
   │ │ │ │ │ ├Faramir's training continues. Boromir arrives, escorted by Dorlion
   │ │ │ │ │ └Faramir's training continues. Elrond arrives, one very annoyed elf
   │ │ │ │ └Lets go with Dorlion and watch as he again tries to kidnap Boromir.
   │ │ │ └This is a complete surprise to Thranduil
   │ │ └The elf is from Rivendell – twins or Glorfindel or Erestor or Elrond – you decide
   │ │   ├They meet with Elladan, Elrohir and the Rohirrim envoy (I vote for Theodred)
   │ │   │ ├It’s Theodred
   │ │   │ │ ├After a bite to his nipple to get his attention , Faramir is able to focus on Théodred seductions.
   │ │   │ │ │ ├Theodred claims his turn first and then a wild foursome ensues
   │ │   │ │ │ └Theodred is put off by the drugging and convinces the twins not to do anything until it wears off, but remember Faramir is still under the influence of the drug and it’s still his first time
   │ │   │ │ │   ├The elven brothers and Faramir continue their night of passion.
   │ │   │ │ │   └Someone comes into the clearing, either having heard the romp or by accident.
   │ │   │ │ └FLASHBACK Faramir is indeed no virgin. He recalls the (sordid) incestuous sex he experienced at a very young age.
   │ │   │ │   ├Theodred goes after him to try and help
   │ │   │ │   └Theodred is hurt, and leaves
   │ │   │ └It’s Glorfindel
   │ │   └They first encounter the Ithilien Rangers who attempt to rescue Faramir
   │ └It's Boromir!
   │   ├The Ithilien Rangers try to recapture their captain during the night, and succeed.
   │   │ ├They make it out of the camp
   │   │ │ ├Boromir arrives with several men and Anborn is his prisoner.
   │   │ │ │ ├Boromir decides to let Tirion mete out the punishment and leaves the tent to join in the merrymaking
   │   │ │ │ │ ├The voice belongs to one of Faramir's rescue rangers
   │   │ │ │ │ │ ├Tirion wakes Boromir and alerts him to his brother’s escape.
   │   │ │ │ │ │ └Tirion secretly follows the rangers to Henneth Annun.
   │   │ │ │ │ └The voice belongs to Lord Denethor himself!
   │   │ │ │ │   ├Faramir agrees to the proposal
   │   │ │ │ │   │ ├Someone from Gondor has arrived.
   │   │ │ │ │   │ │ ├Faramir confronts Marek and the halfling assassin
   │   │ │ │ │   │ │ └Faramir waits and approaches Klaas
   │   │ │ │ │   │ └Someone from Harad has arrived.
   │   │ │ │ │   │   ├Aran declares him suitable and they leave
   │   │ │ │ │   │   │ ├Someone stops the branding.
   │   │ │ │ │   │   │ └Waiting for the branding, Marek remembers the past.
   │   │ │ │ │   │   │   ├Marek loses control and throws himself on Faramir
   │   │ │ │ │   │   │   └Marek stays in control, the branding happens
   │   │ │ │ │   │   │     ├The assult is prevented
   │   │ │ │ │   │   │     │ ├It is someone delivering a message. 
   │   │ │ │ │   │   │     │ │ ├Marek does consummate the bond publicly
   │   │ │ │ │   │   │     │ │ └They are interrupted before the consummation happens
   │   │ │ │ │   │   │     │ └It is one of Marek’s associates. 
   │   │ │ │ │   │   │     │   ├Denethor makes an appearance.
   │   │ │ │ │   │   │     │   └Faramir gains an unexpected ally against Marek.
   │   │ │ │ │   │   │     └The assult happens
   │   │ │ │ │   │   └Aran wants to test Faramir some more
   │   │ │ │ │   │     ├Whatever Aragorn has to say has to do with / results in Faramir leaving for Harad.
   │   │ │ │ │   │     │ ├Marek has convinced Aran to forego additional tests – off to Harad!
   │   │ │ │ │   │     │ └The additional tests happen – you decide what they are
   │   │ │ │ │   │     └Whatever Aragorn has to say has to do with / results in Faramir staying in Gondor.
   │   │ │ │ │   └Faramir turns down the proposal
   │   │ │ │ │     ├Aragorn just used this as a diplomatic way to turn down Marek’s proposal and gain his respect.
   │   │ │ │ │     │ ├Aragorn and Boromir to the rescue
   │   │ │ │ │     │ │ ├Boromir makes love to a reluctant Faramir
   │   │ │ │ │     │ │ │ ├Aragorn is awake, very sober and extremely contrite over his behaviour
   │   │ │ │ │     │ │ │ └You decide – someone - Denethor maybe? Or Marek? Or something?
   │   │ │ │ │     │ │ └Merak wakes up, and interrupts
   │   │ │ │ │     │ └No one to the rescue…but Denethor finds Faramir after Marek’s through with him
   │   │ │ │ │     │  ├Denethor is angry for Faramir’s sake, and he comforts his son as best he can.
   │   │ │ │ │     │  └Denethor is angry at the insult done to the Steward’s family, and rages at Marek, practically ignoring Faramir.
   │   │ │ │ │     │   ├Boromir returns to his lover’s bed during the night, notices Faramir in the room, and demands an explanation
   │   │ │ │ │     │   └Boromir returns to his lover’s bed during the night, and Faramir gets to witness some hot lovin’ before he is noticed
   │   │ │ │ │     │     ├Faramir tells them of Denethor’s involvement 
   │   │ │ │ │     │     │ ├Faramir makes it to the Steward's suite just in time to throw himself between his brother and his father and prevent a family tragedy
   │   │ │ │ │     │     │ │ ├Aragorn decides to take Faramir with him to Arnor
   │   │ │ │ │     │     │ │ └Aragorn offers to speak to Denethor
   │   │ │ │ │     │     │ └Faramir is intercepted by Prince Marek en route, and dragged into the Prince's chamber
   │   │ │ │ │     │     └Faramir says nothing and Aragorn and Boromir spend the rest of the night caring for him
   │   │ │ │ │     └Aragorn is very serious indeed!
   │   │ │ │ │       ├Faramir panics and runs away
   │   │ │ │ │       └Faramir and Aragorn have sex
   │   │ │ │ └Boromir spanks Faramir himself (Tirion may or may not be present)
   │   │ │ │   ├Faramir accepts Tirion's offer.
   │   │ │ │   └Denethor discovers what Faramir is holding.
   │   │ │ │     ├Denethor orders a public flogging in front of all of Boromir’s men
   │   │ │ │     │ ├The creature is Sauron.
   │   │ │ │     │ └No, it is one of the Nazgul
   │   │ │ │     │   ├The nazgul decides to have some fun with Faramir
   │   │ │ │     │   └The nazgul takes Faramir to the witch king
   │   │ │ │     │     ├Denethor declares war on Rivendell.
   │   │ │ │     │     │ ├Denethor decides to call off the war and return to Minas Tirith, taking Faramir and Boromir with him.
   │   │ │ │     │     │ └Perhaps driven by visions from the palantír, Denethor resolves to continue the war against the elves.
   │   │ │ │     │     └Boromir begins to suspect Tirion.
   │   │ │ │     │       ├The person is Boromir.
   │   │ │ │     │       └The person is someone else.
   │   │ │ │     │         ├Gandalf visits Saruman.
   │   │ │ │     │         │ ├Gandalf lets Faramir meet Saruman - in Orthanc or Rivendell, you decide
   │   │ │ │     │         │ │ ├Faramir wakes in the morning to find the ring gone and Saruman in his room.
   │   │ │ │     │         │ │ └Faramir wakes with the ring gone and Saruman nowhere to be found. 
   │   │ │ │     │         │ └Gandalf, or Elrond, doens't allow Faramir to meet Saruman, for whatever reason
   │   │ │ │     │         └Someone did eavesdrop on the private conversation.
   │   │ │ │     └Denethor banishes him from Gondor with immediate effect and Faramir is forced to leave
   │   │ │ │       ├Faramir accepts Mablungs offer
   │   │ │ │       │ ├Faramir has spied a party of Orcs
   │   │ │ │       │ └Faramir has suddenly become injured
   │   │ │ │       │   ├Disgusted, Faramir asks Mablung to leave
   │   │ │ │       │   └Faramir wants Mablung to stay
   │   │ │ │       └Faramir insists on leaving alone
   │   │ │ │         ├Faramir agrees
   │   │ │ │         └Faramir refuses
   │   │ │ │           ├It is a group of Orcs 
   │   │ │ │           └It is the Rohirrim looking for horse thieves, and Grima Woemtongue rides with them 
   │   │ │ │             ├It is Strider, with or without his companions.
   │   │ │ │             │ ├Aragorn demands Faramir's release 
   │   │ │ │             │ └Aragorn leaves Faramir in the hands of the Rohirrim 
   │   │ │ │             └It is a messenger from Minas Tirith, bringing news of Faramir's death at the hands of Orcs. 
   │   │ │ │               ├Grima explains his absense and tells that news from Gondor is that Faramir was killed by orcs.
   │   │ │ │               └Grima does not explain his absense, ignores any pleas Faramir has to tell him what is going on, and proceeds to play with the young man. (Interpret as you like.)
   │   │ │ └Anborn returns with information on Boromir’s location.
   │   │ └They are caught before they get out of the camp
   │   │   ├Faramir has just returned from Ithilien after seeing Boromir's boat
   │   │   └It is after the ring war
   │   │     ├The other man is Aragorn
   │   │     └The other man is anyone else you prefer
   │   │       ├It is Aragorn, and the sweet reality continues .
   │   │       └It is Grima! Boromir was hiding the truth of the nightmarish reality from Faramir.
   │   └The Ithilien Rangers try to recapture their captain during the night, and do not succeed.
   │     ├At that moment the shrill cry of horn cuts between the trees, the itilien rangers have come!
   │     └No sound of any rescue reaches the teo brothers as they wrestle
   │       ├Boromir confesses to a sexual interest in Faramir
   │       │ ├Faramir is sure he doesn't want his brother
   │       │ │ ├Boromir actually listens and stops to think about what his brother has said.
   │       │ │ └Boromir ignores Faramir's words.
   │       │ └Faramir isn't sure.
   │       │   ├Faramir agrees to become Boromir’s lover.
   │       │   └Someone has been watching them and decides a little blackmail is in order.
   │       └They are interrupted before Boromir can speakThey are rescued by a second group of rangers that Damrod has sent as a precaution